

All about the food

When I first decided to start a food blog, someone said to me ‘it’s all about the food in the end’.
I don’t think it is though. Food means a lot more than what you eat. Food is often the main event, but that’s not what eating is about. Every meal worth talking about isn’t worth anything without the story behind it. The people you ate it with, the reason you cooked it, where it came from are what makes it special.
And the records of those meals, they’re not just recipes. They are an insight into someone’s life. It’s not just about the food; it’s about the eating, the cooking, and the meals that result. It’s the stories that matter.
It’s taken me a long time to get to the point of actually beginning this. I couldn’t work out what I could offer to the food blogging world. There are so many great blogs out there, I did not know what would make my different. But the thing is, this is my food, and it is my life, and that’s what makes it what it is.
So that’s what you can expect from this blog; one for me, one for you. The meals are for me, the stories and recipes are for you.