

An Interlude

Before I get posting on my recipes from the weekend, I just wanted to share these photos from the most incredible market stall in Majorca.  Growing up in cities I've always found markets a little...I don't think frightening is the right word, but maybe untrustworthy.  It's just hard for me to forgo the pre-packaged, ready to eat vegetables and meat that I am so familiar with.  I know as someone who is interested in food I should be exploring all the great London markets, but, it's hard.  I think I have trust issues when it comes to food.

Markets in Europe, however, are a different matter altogether. For some reason, when it's warm and busy and noisy, I am more tempted to buy things.  Plus, I feel like more like a continental European, and less like and English person abroad, although when I'm ordering by pointing at thinks with an apologetic grin, I'm sure I look even more English.  The food market in Venice was probably my favorite place in the city,  I could've gone every day I was there.  In fact, I wish I had.

But on a trip to Majorca, I was older and wiser and strode into each market with a more focused agenda: buy what looks delicious and see whether I can get it home.  Usually it was eaten in the car on the way back.  Especially those little flour covered sausages.  I am sure my vegetarian brother looked on in disgust as we ripped them from the bag and demolished them in the manner of, well, I think the only way that can adequately describe us, is by comparing us to the apes in the first part of 2001: Space Odyssey.

I don't know why those kind of lunches are only limited to holiday.  The lunches where you just buy a loaf of soft bread, make a big salad, get some cheese, some cured meats and sit around for hours.  Perhaps it's to do with the amount of time they take, and the crisp white wine that is an essential accompaniment.  If I have one resolution for this summer though, it is to have more of those lunches.  They are so utterly simple, and never fail to be delicious.  Plus, it's a reason for me to hunt down some more good markets. The Brindisa Shop in Borough Market is definitely top of the list at the moment. 

Another thing I feel I've been missing out on this summer, is the barbeque.  I've only got a tiny patio, and I don't have a barbeque, although I am lusting after one of those big fire pits. Anyway, my sister and her fiance were on holiday with us in Majorca, and they lived in Chile for over a year which, in my mind, makes them the king and queen of barbeque.  We had the best barbeque I've ever eaten.  Nothing was burnt, nothing was tough, everything was cooked.  I know that's not a particularly high criteria to judge a barbeque on, but in my experience, that's what makes one good.  This barbeque, however, was spectacular.  Tiny spicy sausages in bread, pork fillets and steak, all slathered in the most delicious pebre, something I'd never heard of before, but I am told is the chilean answer to chimichurri, and really is delicious.  All washed down with beer and rose made for a really great barbeque.

There are thousands of different recipes for pebre out there, and it is one of those things you make to your own taste.  This is the combination we used.  As for amounts, I think it's really up to whoever is making it.


a few hot chilies
a handful of coriander
1 onion
olive oil
lemon juice from one lemon
white wine vinegar
two big tomatoes
two cloves of garlic

Chop the tomatoes, chilies, onion and coriander finely and put in a bowl.
Crush the garlic into the bowl
Generously dress with olive oil, white wine vinegar and lemon juice
Eat with barbecued meat.